Thursday, April 28, 2011

Path of Destruction

Yesterday, April 27th, 2011, a massive storm cell swept across the Southeast, producing numerous tornadoes per state and racking up death tolls now reported above 250. 184 of these deaths come from my home state and current place of residence, Alabama. Currently, I'm still in the city of Tuscaloosa, home of the University of Alabama, the Crimson Tide - and quite possibly the hardest hit place in the state. Do not let this idea fool you however, as many places within the state and Southeast were totally devastated. Cullman Alabama was also torn apart by the day's storms, as well as Huntsville and parts of Birmingham.

Standing inside of a neighboring apartment on the ground level, I personally watched as a mile wide tornado tore through my own apartment complex and the neighborhood beside and behind us on it's way towards the University itself. All I could do was sit and watch helplessly as mother nature redesigned the face of our city and so many others. Once the storm had passed for the greatest part, we went outside and started actually seeing the damages. Sights I would have never thought to have seen appeared right before my eyes. Views of destruction, death and decay all abounded, as parties of men went to find either survivors or bodies to get out of the debris. Walking around in my shorts and tee shirt and boots - something I always vowed to never do - I realized that it could be so much worse. A tragedy such as this really makes you open your eyes and realize that every single moment you spend on this green earth, every item you posses, every person in your life you care for - needs to be cherished and held dear. You truly don't know what you've got until it's gone, and I thank the lord above so much that I haven't lost anything important to me, and yet my heart is breaking for all those not so lucky.

I'm still working to process all that has happened with everyone else, every time I go outside I see more that I can't even imagine. For now, this is all I have to say. This might be my last post for a while as I will have no power, so I will try and let everyone know what's going on. Everyone stay safe and be ready for anything; you never know what tomorrow is going to bring.

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