But how do we make ourselves think about the little things? How do we use what we have to make things better for our futures? Where do we start? All valid questions, and all legitimate - the short answer in my experience is that we just have to trust our instincts. When you actively think about the world we live in and your part within it, it's impossible to not realize all the little things I believe. We have to offer all we have to the world, and more importantly to the Big Man; when we offer everything, wee reap all the benefits from it. By offering all we have, we empty ourselves of obligations, allowing us to fully take in all that the world around us, as well as our spirituality, has to offer. As for where we start, I believe the starting point is different for every individual. Some people decide early on to be fully available all e time. Others blossom into it, others jump in head firsts later on in life. Irregardless of which you are, or want to be, each is equally as important as the others.
It's become a big part of my life to be in and around ministry. It's crazy to me how important it's become - until this year (and I mean school year) I had barely even attended church once a year, much less weekly. But, I have been blessed beyond all belief and encountered the college ministry, Unashamed. Now called the largest college movement in America, Unashamed is a radical way to approach the Word and God, and is unlike anything I'd ever seen previously. Loud, exciting music, interesting and poignant dramas, and some of the best speakers I've ever heard in my life - and the best prt is we're all college aged. No one has a degree in ministry, or any certifications - it's just the product of five years of hardworking, dedicated guys who wanted to bring our broken generation to the Lord - bring them back to the basics (see what I did there?) and allow them, in a time when statistics say the majority of people who come to college leave the church, to actually come back to faith and the Word and the Lord. It's one of the greatest things I've ever even dreamed of being a part of, and those guys and girls are some of the absolutely best people I've ever met. They are genuine, kind, funny, compassionate, loving, loyal, and everything else that goes along with it. It's a great feeling to know that they have my back and that they are my family in the interim of being away from my own. When I'm gone for days at a time, I miss all of them, greatly. It's a beautiful thing, and I strongly recommend anyone and everyone check us out - we broadcast live every Thursday night at 8pm central time from Tuscaloosa, AL - the dirty south baby, roll tide!! Seriously though, go to www.unashamedua.com and check it out, you won't be disappointed.
- signing out
Location:9th Ct,Tuscaloosa,United States
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