Monday, April 30, 2012

Welcome to Opposition

It's not a great feeling to know that there are people in your life that are beyond important, and yet they don't understand what it is you do and why you do it. The simple fact should be that if it is important enough to me to do it, you should just support me and allow me to make my own decisions. The issue therein lies however, in the fact that I am still on my parents dime. I make no money of my own during the year (though I'm trying to get a hook up for next year now) so I am at the will of their, specifically my mom's, checkbook. What she decides goes. And it sucks. I can't do anything, go anywhere without her knowing. I literally have to siphon money out of the account she has for my card so that I can manage to spend any money on what I want to spend it on. I'm supposed to have a summer job this year so that'll help to a certain extent but that money will run out fast. and I really want to go on a labor day vacation with my ministry but I don't know if I'll even be allowed to. I would like to go on the Atlanta and Myrtle Beach trips, but I won't have the money nor would my mom be okay with it. I love my family more than anything, I really do. But I am 95% positive I'm moving back to Huntsville after college is over; that being the case, I feel like I should go and do as much as I possibly can while I'm still here in college. But it's hard to experience everything when I'm just expected to come home every weekend. And it's going to get harder next year when my girlfriend gets to the same university as me; she doesn't really get it either and I have a feeling my lack of free time is going to be a big issue for here to handle. But it's one she's either going to have to learn to deal with, or it'll break us up because I'm not giving up any part of the ministry. Period. So we'll see how that goes. I just pray I can pull a 3.0 this semester again, I need to keep my scholarship or things are going to get way harder on me. Speaking of pulling that 3.0, it's going to be hard to do well on my exam tomorrow if I can't wake up to get there... I think that realization is my cue for the night's end haha

- signing out

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